[HTML] Golden Anyons for Cosmic Dark Energy Density
and dark cosmic energy density of the universe and respectively. The computation is
fundamentally based on a golden mean fusion function that goes back to the highly original …
Phase transitions on a ladder of braided non-Abelian anyons
of the entanglement entropy of the critical phases in Fibonacci and Ising anyons are given …
computed the value of the central charges of the critical phases of both anyon models from …
DMRG investigation of constrained models: from quantum dimer and quantum loop ladders to hard-boson and Fibonacci anyon chains
to the hard-boson constraint if one performs a particle-hole transformation and associates a hard
boson with an empty site of the chain of anyons, and a τ-anyon with an empty …
Condensation of non-Abelian anyons in a one-dimensional fermion model
to understand the properties of an ensemble of anyons where interactions lift the degeneracies
of the anyonic zero modes and correlated many-anyon states …
Introduction to topological quantum computation with non-Abelian anyons
anyons, and the simplest anyon model which allows for universal quantum computation by
particle exchange or braiding alone is the Fibonacci anyon model …
Asymmetric Particle Transport and Light-Cone Dynamics Induced by Anyonic Statistics
80401 … First, distinct from the bosonic and fermionic cases, anyons in 1D exhibit asymmet- ric
density expansion under time evolution of a homogeneous anyon-Hubbard model …
[PDF] Anyons and Topological Quantum Computation
dc. (3.12) It follows from the unitarity of anyon models that di ≥ 1, with equality when i is an abelian
anyon. If we have a space with n anyons, all with charge i (as in the previous …
Fibonacci Topological Superconductor
anyons [30], as well as at interfaces connecting Ising and Fibonacci order in the QH
effect [31] … 0 . If it is σ, then the vortex binds a Fibonacci anyon …
Weak ergodicity breaking from quantum many-body scars
in … Hilbert space identical to that of chains of non- Abelian Fibonacci anyons, rather than … Hamiltonian
equation (1) can be seen as a deformation of the 'golden chain' introduced in …
Scrambling via Braiding of Nonabelions
ratio … Majorana fermions (equivalently 14 qubits) for the SYK model, averaged over 2000
realizations; n = 23 anyons (equivalently 22 qubits) for the Fibonacci anyon model, averaged …