International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics
Volume 10, Issue 4, ISSN (Online): 2347–9051
The Ultimate Unified Physico Mathematical Theory Of Nature
M.S. El Naschie
Distinguished Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
The present work argues for the logical existence of an ultimate unification theory for fundamental
physics which is based on fundamental mathematics. In pursuing the above aim which we presumed it to be a
daunting task, we must admit that we were more than struck by the unexpected simplicity of reducing what we
thought to be a huge problem to what is essentially a relatively well known number system familiar to us from our
extensive past work in applied nonlinear dynamics, deterministic chaos and random fractals. Even more surprising
than that, although in the same general direction, was the realization that all those gained results were known a long
time ago, namely since the great Plato and friends established the Pythagorean school of Mathematics, Arts and
Philosophy in the famous Greek-Egyptian cosmopolitan city of Alexandria where the present Author works and
conducts research for nearly the last three decades into how Art, Science and Consciousness could be combined into a
single ultimate truth.
Non-Commutative Geometry, Penrose Fractal Tiling Universe, D. Deutsch Constructor Theory, Loop
Quantum Gravity, Witten’s M- Theory, E-Infinity Theory, Golden Mean Number System, Plato and Pythagoras
School, Ord-Nottale-El Naschie Fractal Spacetime, String theory, Scott Olsen Unification.